6 Reasons Why Effective Cybersecurity and Sustainability Make An Effective Brand

Emma Middleton
CMO, ProtectBox
Jan 31st, 2022
The dream of just about any business owner is to get global recognition for their brand, but very few actually achieve that or realise how important their cybersecurity and sustainability can be to achieving that. If you don’t have a strong foundation for your brand to stand on, chances are you can feel like you’ve reached a standstill and be vulnerable to cyberattack. It can especially be difficult for a tech company, whether it’s a SaaS company, an agency, or a cybersecurity business, to develop a competitive edge in the fast-paced market. At the end of the day, every brand offers its unique point of view to the market, but there are certain key elements of branding, sustainability and cybersecurity you need to nail before expecting amazing results. Here is everything you need to cover if you want to establish a strong and effective brand in the digital world.
1. Defining Your Place in the Tech Industry
Innovation is at every corner, but each innovation is dedicated to a specific function or element. Some businesses focus on optimizing the video calling experience, while others want to offer a fresh new way to create websites. Each tech company targets a unique need and a specific target audience. That’s why your brand positioning strategy is vital since it will help you navigate how your brand is presented to audiences to meet your business goals.
Ensure you have a firm grasp on the answers to these questions to be all set:
- Is your brand concentrating on B2C or B2B?
- Is software your primary service/product or other things as well?
- Are you a brand new innovation or developing something that already exists?
- How is your business better than your direct competitors?
- Is your ideal client a one-time consumer or a loyal, recurring client?
2. Choosing the Right Business Name
Your business name is arguably the most important branding decision you’ll make, which is what makes it a crucial one. You may have noticed a common denominator in business names among tech companies is how easy they are to read and digest. Choosing a simple and concise, yet meaningful, name for your business can put you on the right track. You can go as short as three letters, mix in letters, create a custom abbreviation, and more. Think of a catchy and fresh name that measures up to your competition.
3. Being Consistent
Once you believe you’ve developed the perfect brand strategy, it’s time to execute it. Effective brands are able to maintain consistency across all channels, at any given time, until your strategy changes in a different direction. What does consistency entail exactly? It means paying attention to every branding detail to ensure you don’t stray from your set brand guidelines. For example, your logo needs to be the same on all content you produce, the tagline needs to be consistent, the brand colors need to be the same across all visual content, and so on. There’s a lot to keep track of, which is why it’s optimal to create a brand book, compiling all those brand guidelines to refer to whenever needed. That will eliminate guesswork among your team and help maintain consistency.
4. Having a Distinct Brand Voice
Pinpointing your brand voice and keeping it consistent is a necessity if you want to craft a strong brand identity. A brand voice becomes evident in all of the content that you distribute, from the captions on social media to the blogs on your website and the language of your press releases. There are a variety of brand voices that you can opt for, but you need to choose the one that matches your business and resonates with your audience the most. Is it necessary to use complex terminology in your website and social posts, or can you lean more towards non-tech jargon instead? Which will resonate with your audience more? Keep in mind that audiences need to be able to grasp the information quickly and easily, along with not feeling like the business is being too distant. Find the perfect balance and you’ll be set to go.
5. Not Being Self-interested
Consumers can sense when a company is only interested in monetary gains from the business. Besides offering competitive prices or high-quality products, it’s great if your brand is associated with sustainability, charity, and overall selfless acts. More and more consumers are thinking about environmental impact, and now, more businesses can expect increased brand reputation, attention from new stakeholders, and governmental perks if they run a sustainable business. This needs to come from within and not be forced, of course. If your business is proud to manufacture and distribute a product that cuts down environmental impact, ensure your audience can identify your role in putting something other than money as a priority.
6. Focusing on Your Offerings
In today’s market, we need to accept that most of our products (whether digital or tangible) already exist in the world (or they will start to once you launch something new). Creating true innovation is rare and difficult. For that reason, it’s important that your tech branding strategy is feature-centric instead of heavily product centric. A number of different companies are likely offering the same services and products as you, but how do you stand out? Incorporating an element of storytelling or focusing on the value of your products creates a stronger and more long-lasting effect on your audience than you may initially think.
Apply all of the points we discussed today to your brand strategy creation and you’ll start noticing the positive impact of your efforts in due time.
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